Selasa, September 10, 2013

Interview with Invoker

1.     How you and what are are busy now.

Since the establishment of Invoker I am committed to the guitar and the vocals. Since the texts mainly arise from my thoughts, it is my duty to spread this message.

2.     What bands influence you musically?

Invoker be inspired by bands like Bolt Thrower, Hypocrisy, Immortal, etc. The many years in which I accompany the scene of many bands come together like one. However, Invoker will always try to be individual and implement their own abilities and thoughts.

3.     Personnel changes have become commonplace in a band, you never talk about Invoker personnel changes and how many times?

We do not talk much about personnel changes in the band, because the story has not always been positive. We nlicken forward at the moment and are perfectly placed.

4.     Do you remember your first show and what was it like?

Oh yeah ... that's not long ago. The first concert was in September 2012 with Invoker Thrudvangar. It was an open air in the fall and really cold to-5Grad but the evening which made ​​sensational and have fun.

5.     I see in your band profile, Invoker is band genre black/death metal. Can u tell me, your band focus in death or black?

Our interpretation of this Genre, lies in the way how each of us plays his instrument. CU is the quintessential old-school death metal and ensprechend he is also influenced by bands like Bolt Thrower and this is of course also. For me it is different, I am inspired by bands such as Darkthrone and Immortal, thus the mixture of the two Gernes comes about. Each of the Invoker listening should take a picture and decide for yourself genre in which it incorporates the band. There are some options.

6.     How do you think, many opinions or music lovers claim that black metal is Satanists genre?

I think the name of the genre Black Metal from what it says it is. If you you will get an overview of the music gives not be surprised that most bands or satanisce show occult texts. The dislike of certain religions you can not really live in a different musical genre also. The synonymously Black Metal in my opinion nachgenau means what it says ... Black Metal.

7.     Talking about new album “A new Age”, can u tell me? Why your band choose a title album “A New Age”?

The whole album is based on the theme of death and because this is the only democracy which must be followed by every individual, it is not purely of life but also a new era for all and each. Furthermore, is this album's title as a new beginning for us and shows us new paths into the unknown future.

8.     What a theme in new album “A new age”?

As I said the main theme to A New Age is the reversal of the sense of ... death. Which is the biggest fear of all living beings. The finality ... the end of life. Be it the issue of plague in Dwelling In Darkness, or the killing described in Act Of Killing all point to death, which plays the most important role on the entire album. We do not move in Satanism because we want lyrically critical and daring answer it in the future to certain issues such as violence, war, and of course death.

9.     How long your band make it album and whether there are constraints?

Since its founding in late 2010 which have T.S. and I was alone and started a style characterized not defined. Since the band's name Invoker also was not known, we focused on the search for musicians. With luck, told C.U. after a request and immediately launched by the band. C.U. is playing great riffs and gives the music its own charisma. We then rehearsed forever trying to play and spent a few nights with music. In early 2011 we started the first songs to write and draw, which then also very fast ging.In this time the band was then also invoker. End of 2011, we got support from Christian who is still playing at Thrudvangar who tried his best as the third man on the guitar, after a long burn in period and even writing new structures for the songs to a third guitar has stopped us. Then we went on to Negraszus and recruited him as bass player. Since he is a very good musician was no problem importing the songs. As of June 2012, we were preparing ourselves for the first concerts and then translated to this in September 2012. Since then we are pretty well on the stages go. The end of 2012, we went into the studio for A New Age that this will appear later this year. Since Christian is then left shortly before the studio recordings for personal reasons us the only problem was in the studio on two guitars to change the songs again but this in itself was not a problem and quickly went. We have had many experiences during the time in the studio and I'm sure if a second album comes this will bring some changes. It will be interesting ...

10. Who make a cover artwork?

The cover artwork for A New Age was created by Luis Hermosilla Spain. I had accidentally contacted him after he had created and offered the cover artwork. We found it to fit our working with Invoker and thus this will give the album the optical attractive.

11. What label releasing album “A new Age” and How the marketing system of album?

The album will be released on Godeater Records after he has become aware through concerts on us. We wanted this album simply dropping to the public and not waste time searching for a record label. Godeater Records came to us at the right time for the album to the people to bring. Having to travel to every concert always had requests for CD's we did not hesitate to open the album the way ... It's just one of the people who like us and want to hear. What other strategies of the label plans to record the album, we can not say to make known. Promotion for the album at the moment we are mainly just about, but we already support some fans and that's more than you could wish for. No one is without the people who support something one and certainly not without fans.

12. In this modern era, a lot of sites free download album, what do you think about illegal music?

Which band is already illegal downloading his albums well? However, this is also a tool which may prove useful. If you find you like the music support the band at concerts. A small consolation but perhaps also a big step, especially for unknown bands. However, I am not supporting the illegal acquisition of music.
But we live in the 21st Century and since you should be aware of as a band, these are not exceptions but a bitter reality.

13. What do you expect for your state of metal music in the future?

We expect only one thing ... In the future, yet to be able to offer some.

14. how do you respond to the Pasukan Jihad webzine this And any suggestions for the future in order to survive Pasukan Jihad webzine?

We like the Pasukan Jihad webzine, we have to make the possibility to our attention. Keep it up! Our support for the future you get.
15. Thanks a lot Invoker and good luck for releas album “A new Age”
          We thank you for your interest in Invoker and maybe we'll meet again.

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