Jumat, Maret 07, 2014

Hour of Penance umumkan title album baru

Good News....!!!! Band italia death metal HOUR OF PENANCE baru saja mengumumkan melalui facebook resmi mereka bahwa pada bulan mei mendatang mereka siap mengeluarkan debut album baru dengan title album "Regicide". Band yang telah mengunjungi indonesia tahun lalu pada perhelatan akbar event tahunan di kota solo yaitu ROCK IN SOLO ini menyatakan bahwa album terbaru mereka nantinya akan dirilis langsung oleh Prosthetic Recods. 

Sang gitaris Paolo Pieri menuturkan "'Regicide' revolves around the themes of destruction and rebirth and the killing of the king - be he your own fears, prejudices or dogmas that you build inside yourself to cope with reality. Only by letting go of those illusions and tearing down the walls of ignorance and fear that society, religion and every form of dysfunctional authority you interjected during your life, can you start to rebuild your own path as a free man that has no need for a king."

Source : Facebook

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